2024 US Chess Blind Championship (PGN file link)
to right: Ethan Tobias, Kevin Bachler, Don Crosswhite, Alex Relyea,
Jairo Oswaldo Leyton Calderon, Marilyn Bland, Viral Hitendra Trivedi,
Jessica Lauser, Mario Montalvo, Nita Patel

2023 US Chess Blind Championship (PGN file link)
left to right: ??, Alex Relyea, Marilyn Bland, David Rosenkoetter, Jessica Lauser, Alex Barrasso, Don Crosswhite, Nita Patel

2022 US Chess Blind Championship
left to right: ??, Al Goncer, ??, Nick Baumgartner, Jessica Lauser, Alex Relyea, Al Pietrolungo, Michael Dudley

2022 Roger J Morin Invitational (pgn games linked here; see results here)
left to right (Gabriel Eaton; William Ravn; Aaron Spencer;
Wyatt Hendrix; Matthew Fishbein; Alex Relyea; Max Berube)
IA Alex Relyea

2020 US Blind Championship
left to right (players Pauline Downing, Jessica Lauser, Ginny Alverson)
TDs Alex Relyea and Mike Dudley

2019 US
Blind Championship
left to right, row 1 (Nita, Nathaniel Figueroa, Virginia Alverson, Evan
Reese, Jim Homme, Jules)
row 2 (Mike, Michael Davis, Jessica Lauser, Jim Thoune, Al Pietrolungo)
row 3 (Jason, Bruce, Amy, David Rosenkoetter, John, Stephen
Brumagin, Alex)

2019 NH
Closed Players & TD
to right (Ananth Rangan, Gerry Potorski, John Elmore, Erin Dame,
Christopher Wood, Alex Relyea, Jean Abi Farah)

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Relyea Chess